NEW Photography Magazine Templates - Why Your Business Needs Them

We all know THAT business.

The one that seems to have it all together. The one that always seems ahead of the curve or thinks of everything first. The one that clients can't stop talking about.

Not that you should be competing but sometimes it's hard not to compare your own standing to THAT business, right?

Here's one thing THAT business is doing right: Communicating clearly with their clients

  • Clients know what to expect.

  • Clients know how to prepare for their experience.

  • Clients know what others are saying.

  • Clients know they will be taken care of.

Do you have polished way of conveying all of this info to your client? How about a studio magazine!

These seem to be a big trend among photographers right now because they leave a HUGE impression on your client. It's also an easy way to give out all of your basic information without boring them or repeating the same conversation over and over. If your information changes regularly, you can easily update it with each season and pass it off to your subscribers. Maybe even make a digital copy to save on ink but still impress potential customers.

One downside of magazines is that they take some serious time to design. Which is why I decided to add some pre-made templates for you to the shop just in case you don't have a team of designers at your beck and call! I'm currently offering a wedding version and a family version. (Newborn and senior versions are in the works!)

Not only will you feel a weight lifted but your customers will appreciate that extra touch. Pretty soon your studio will be THAT business;)

Each magazine template contains 24 professionally designed pages with modern, fashion-inspired layouts. They can showcase anywhere from 50-60 images in a striking, yet clean manor. Each page is fully layered and color customizable so you can rearrange all you want to create an issue unique to your brand.

You can pick up the Wedding Photography Magazine here and the Family Photography Magazine here.

Many thanks to ShutterChic Photography & Rustic Star Photography for the use of your gorgeous images!


Motivation: Make Your Online Life Mean Something


NEW Wedding Album Templates