January Goals: Happy New Year!

Happy new year! 

I've been so excited for this season of planning and starting things off fresh. I felt like last month was such a long month of WAITING! Until the baby arrived, I just kept feeling like everything was on hold. I couldn't wait to see him and I didn't feel like I could make any plans or start any new projects ...just in case. (My first baby had colic and literally screamed the first two months. So going places and getting anything done was pretty much not an option for awhile.) 

Now that this new little guy is here and things are pretty peaceful around here, I'm feeling like I can finally GO! I have all of these ideas in my planner that have been just sitting here waiting. So it's pretty exciting to think about actually getting started on them.  

I started a new set of Lara Casey's Powersheets for the year, so for this month's goals, I'm just going to share what's on my list for January...

-Jesus: Finish reading Hearing God book. DONE (-ish. I admit it. I skimmed.)

-Husband: Get this year's new budget organized to honor him. DONE

-Kids: Read books to them about "others first" to help teach sharing. DONE

-Home: Make some new worship playlists to keep environment chill in the evenings. DONE

-Health: Create a food-tracking binder for Micah's GAPS/SCD diet and reactions.

-BD Shop: Finish up Valentines Day Cards for the shop and send out a newsletter. DONE

-LC Site: Finish and post first printable worksheet packs to the shop. DONE

-Blogging: Post at least twice a week to keep up on both blogs. (Close but not quite)

-Social Media: Limit to checking in twice a day and schedule the rest on weekends. DONE

-Organize: Sort my Finance Binder for tax season. DONE

What are your goals for this month? Do you use Powersheets or something else to plan your year?

This post is linked to Goals With Grace.


Little Guys Can Do Big Things Too


Ummm... It's 2014 !