8 Ways To Be Purposeful With Your Time

January is almost over so most likely the resolutions and goals we made on New Years Day are a little...um...scattered. Nope? Just me?

You might be on top of your game and if so, HIGH FIVE for being so disciplined. If not, no worries! Even if you've messed things up all month, you can still try again. Purposeful living is a process so don't get discouraged just yet! 

Here are 8 Ways to Be more Purposeful With Your Time: 

1// Use Powersheets by Lara Casey to plan out your goals and make them happen

2// Journal what matters most or pray for direction. Val Marie Paper has great journals for this.

3// Actually fill out your daily planner. Don't just buy a cute one and let it get dusty (GUILTY).

4// Spend an hour on Saturdays to plan out your week. Check out how I do Plan Love.

5// Start your daily to-do list by listing out the Top 3 like on Whitney English's Day Designer

6// Read the 168 Hours book and use the spreadsheet to track where your time is going. 

7// Use daily planning printables to help with blogging and social media. I have free ones here. 

8// Grab a buddy and hold each other accountable to get things done. You can even race:)

Need a schedule makeover? Join the 31 Days to a Super-Purposeful Schedule series here.


February Goals: Let's go!


Sneak Peek: Planning Worksheets