DIY Christmas Tree Ideas

It's pretty sad that Stephen and I just celebrated our 5 year anniversary and we have never once gotten a Christmas tree! Okay let me take that back...our first year, we had a small hand-me down tree that had about five branches on it and was too pitiful to even hang ornaments. The next two years we had a "Christmas Lamp" which was basically string lights wrapped around my floor lamp from Target with gifts randomly tossed around it. Last year we had a "Christmas Coffee Table" filled with gifts that pretty much got shipped out to family and friends a week before Christmas. So sad!

It's not that we couldn't afford one - it's that we procrastinate! Every year is the same - we go back and forth with whether to buy a real tree or a fake one. We argue about who's going to get stuck watering it or how fake trees don't have the Christmas-y smell or how there's nowhere to put it. Before you know it, there's only a few more days until Christmas and it's too late.

This year, I'm thinking maybe we should intentionally do something different! Here are some really fun ideas I found on Pinterest for DIY Christmas Trees...

[credit: A Beautiful Mess]

This one is actually a DIY advent tree. Something about the way the wood and nails are set up makes me also think of the cross. Very cool reminder of the reason for Christmas.

[credit: Wood & Wood Stool]

Same idea - love the basic wood planks. Plus I wouldn't feel like I need to go out and buy a million ornaments.

[credit: Lalole Blog]

I love the rustic feel to this tree. It feels so elegant even though it is just made out of sticks!

[credit: Instructables]

Oh yeah that is cardboard! Pretty creative (and cheap).

[credit: Baby&Child]

How cute would this be in a playroom or the baby's nursery?! So sweet!

Would you ever make your own Christmas tree? Which do you prefer - fake or real?


Our Anniversary Trip to Beaver Creek!


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