April Goals: Mixing It Up

Whoa we are almost a third of the way through April and I keep forgetting to share goals for the month. There's just something about these rainy days that make me want to curl up with coffee and a book instead of get anything done. (That's probably why my laundry pile has been so out of control last week haha.) The weather combined with sick kids has made us keep things super chill around here.  

But this week I've got good music in my headphones, some creative projects started and I'm ready to put an end to the slacking

This month in Lara Casey's Powersheets there was a little "goal refresh" section for me and it was perfect timing to change things up a little. I really wanted to focus a few of my goals on our family memories, serving others and growing the business. So here's how I mixed it up for April's goals...

(Check out March's Goals and progress here.)

-Jesus: Get a journal + use with the Character Makeover study. DONE

-Husband: Quick email to him every weekday with something funny that he can read on his lunch break.  

-Kids: Read + project from Before 5-in-a-Row curriculum on weekdays. DONE

-Home: Deep clean the house for spring & go minimal with our stuff - one  zone per week.

-Health: Food/Recipe Binder organized. Print recipes, Micah's food charts, & spending logs.  

-Shop: Finish up Senior products and create new printable packs for social media. DONE

-Blogging: Blog consistently and join with more fun link parties like this one

-Growing Business: Create launch plan for collaboration with Nudge Media Design. So excited about this! I'll have to share more details later:)

-Memories: Print instagram photos & create a memory wallDONE

-Others: Write our Compassion kids this month & include fun tattoos + photos for them. DONE

What are your goals for April?  Share below!


Spring Declutter List (The Cleaning Before Cleaning)


DIY Instagram Memory Wall