8 Fun & Easy Home Workouts

8 Fun & Easy Home Workouts (For when you just can't get to the gym)

If your work mostly consists of sitting in front of a computer screen all day, then you probably know how important it is up for you to get up and be moving.

This is the first time in seriously YEARS I've been consistently working out to balance out all the desk time. I did a little prenatal yoga with each child but other than that, nothing. Here are the excuses I used to make: 

  • "I'm a mom of three kids under 5. Chasing toddlers is my full-time workout."

  • "I'm already tired enough without adding exercise. I'd probably just pass out."

  • "I'm not about to pay for a gym pass or go running before 5AM. So I literally CAN'T."

That's what I used to say, but here's what I've been realizing: Working out doesn't have to just be at the gym or running for miles. It doesn't have to be early in the morning or for hours at a time. You can customize it to your life. It's just movement and if you find the right workout for your schedule and your personality, it can be really fun.

I LOVE to dance. I dreamed of being a dance teacher when I was younger. So dance workouts are my jam. Sometimes it's for 10 minutes, sometimes it's 2.5 hours. Regardless of the time, I always finish feeling more alive, energized and strong. I workout at night and it helps me get rid of that sort of brain-dead feeling I get after taking care of littles and working all day.

If you've been wanting to workout but just haven't been able to make the traditional gym membership or running happen, don't throw in the towel! I have some good ideas for you to try in the comfort of your own home...


8 Fun & Easy Ways to Workout At Home

8Fit App - This app is awesome if you only want to workout for 10-15 minutes a day. You have to take a short fitness test, choose your goal belly (haha), and then your workout is set right at your level. I'm also a big fan of checking off to-do lists so hitting the "next" button after each task makes me feel accomplished. I just turn a spotify playlist (this one or this one) and rock it out for a few minutes. 

YouTube Dance Classes/Tutorials - Hip Hop and contemporary dance classes are so much fun. But they can be hard to find or maybe a little intimidating to do in front of others. So why not use what you can find online? I love Matt Steffanina's dance tutorials (amazing) , KMB Talent's dance classes (skip the intros), and Blogilates pop pilates (Cassie is super positive!).

Zumba - If you like more Latin or international style dance, then definitely try zumba. You can also find these on youtube. But if you want to own the actual DVDs and weights, this Zumba Exhilerate set is pretty perfect for your living room.

Daily Burn - If you need some variety in your home workout life, Daily Burn is for you. I tried this for the free first month and loved it, but I didn't want to pay a monthly subscription. (Only $13 - I know, I'm cheap:)) They have yoga, cardio, strength training, etc. so you can mix it up. 

Holy Yoga - If anxiety is an issue for you or if you just like to wake up well with a devotion and morning stretch, try holy yoga. I tried some prenatal holy yoga videos but you can also watch a holy yoga video on Youtube for free. Doing yoga during pregnancy made a huge difference in my comfort level so if you're expecting and sore all day, definitely do this!

Use Your Backyard - Are you a sporty type? My husband and I used to challenge each other to basketball games all the time when we were dating and newlyweds. (He's more athletic, but I think I have a better shot;)) Hang a hoop, set up a soccer goal in your backyard or even just grab a jump rope. It can be a fun throwback and get you moving at the same time. 

Infographics - Pinterest is full of workout plans and I'm sure you've pinned some. But if not, spend a few minutes while dinner is in the oven and try them out. I love that you don't have to hire a personal trainer or spend an hour in a class to get good results.

Get a Fitbit - I haven't tried this myself, but almost everyone I know has one. If you're one of those people that loves to keep track of your workout numbers and statistics, you will love this little bracelet. It supposedly tracks your activity, sleep, food and weight. You can make it fun by participating in challenges like this one

Regardless of what workout you end up doing, make sure to take note of how you feel afterwards. It's that awesome post-workout mood that will make you want to create a habit.

Last Tips: As a disclaimer this is in no way professional advice. Definitely check with your doctor, do a warmup or stretch, go slowly or just think twice before doing a workout that might be too intense. I pulled a muscle barely doing anything at first just because I hadn't warmed up enough. Have fun but also be careful!



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